vrijdag 31 oktober 2008

Time to go home


Eskişehir 2. Sulh Ceza Mahkemesi, 23.11.2007 tarih ve 2007/1705 nolu kararı gereği bu siteye erişim TELEKOMÜNİKASYON İLETİŞİM BAŞKANLIĞI'nca engellenmiştir.

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woensdag 29 oktober 2008

Hip Istanbul, a hot view & good people.

So let's talk about the good stuff in Istanbul. The free people. The scene that has [a little more] money and knows where to go.

The evening started of at a friends place. He rents an apartment in the groovy district Cihangir. It has everything one could want from a [temporary] place. Lovely old paintings on the stairways, where the teeth of time have left there marks, the stains of water leaking and many a dent of all the people and goods going up and down in the never ending struggle for life and security.

The details in the apartment all tell a story or two. About the original intent and the good & the bad. The attempts to improve or to restore. All have left their traces.

Later that night I went to a place called 5.Kat [in English: the fifth floor]. What a lovely view! Great view over the Bosporus and an even better crowd. Then enters the owner: Yasemin Alkaya. She just to work as an actress and now runs one of the hottest bars|restaurants in town.

She cooks, waiters, hosts and entertains her guests with such ellegance and style that it was love at first sight for me. I will be back here, as often as I can.

Other places:
Sabahattin Fish!
Develi Kebab
Changa International
Ulus 29 see and be seen

With thanks to Erdal Gökyıldırım for his tips and comments :D

vrijdag 17 oktober 2008

Put your mouth where your money was.

Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful.

How difficult a message is that? Well it seem really really difficult. The investor eveybody loves to love, Warren Buffett, is making a bundle and screaming on the top of his lungs that he does and so should you. Buy equities.

vrijdag 3 oktober 2008

The challenges @ Dagobert Duck

Because my ties with a couple of people who work for @ at SURFnet, I accepted an invitation to do a presentation. The audience consists of mainly university students and technical employees of universities so the question was if I could share some light on the differences of working at really big companies.

I tried :P

The differences are so extreme that sometimes it seems as if our methods and challenges have no shared needs or issues. This is not true. We fight the same monsters, technically, we just have a different landscape.

Think of it like BF2 & CoD.

A fun day with some excellent content brought by very capable people so I am happy to say that these where 2 days well spend. Since this is a university environment, speakers where much more encouraged to give some juicy details, details you would normally not out with a mic in your face. The questions are of such relevance to the issues discussed and not aimed at getting quotable 'bedroom secrets' so many a PR person would feel uncomfertable with the intemicy of details exchanged.

Exectly the kind of details & environment I like and can actually use in my day to day job.

SURFnet at all: thank you!